Private Investigator in Snohomish - due dilligence

Chief Robert Henze has spent 39 years in law enforcement. One year as a undercover drug investigator with the Grant County Sheriff Department, Wisconsin. The next 25 years with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department, Wisconsin coming up through the ranks serving as jailer, patrolman, detective, patrol sergeant, Lieutenant in charge of the jail,


Chief Henze served as the President, Vice President and Past President of the Dane County Chiefs Association, served on a number of multi-jurisdiction task forces and committees; the Dane Interoperability Radio Project, developed the Dane County Chaplaincy program, chaired a task force to develop a county-wide pursuit best practice policy, safe communities drug overdose initiative steering, and District Attorney Task Force to develop protocols for responding to officer involved deaths. Chief Henze partnered with Dane County Safe Communities to improve pedestrian safety.

Robert is a professional effective leader with the ability to assess the needs of a police department and community. He has re-engineered a police department that had low morale, lacked employee retention, was a training grounds for other departments, poor relationship with the union and lacked trust, respect and confidence from the community. Robert used the TEAM (together everyone accomplishes more) approach to regain the respect, trust and professionalism within the department and rebuilt the trust, respect and confidence of a community for their police department. All of the stakeholders. Robert looks forward to sharing with you the key TEAM Team comprising components to accomplish this.



Robert asks community and business leaders this question, “ Could there be events that occur within your community or business where existing processes are or could be perceived to be conflict of interest and biased? If the answer is yes, then the next question, would having a contingency plan in place to address these situations be appropriate? Intravaia can be your contingency plan. You can be proactive to conduct your research ahead of time and place us in your toolbox. We will be ready whenever the need arises.  Robert looks back at his career and wishes he would have had a more open mind and been proactive to have this resource in the toolbox for the entire village, “Nobody looks forward to these types of events, but when that situation arises, that is not the time to research out a consultant”. There is no cost by having us in your toolbox.

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